Thursday, April 30, 2009

How Do You Decide Where to Stop?

I'm trucking right along on this garter triangle, and at this point it is almost to full shawl size but I have yet to join the last ball of yarn. If I actually go to the end of this un joined ball of yarn, then I think you might possibly be able to fit a stadium full of people under this thing, so the question remains:

If you are going to pick an arbitrary point to stop knitting something, how do you choose?

Do you prefer time limits? Like the rational: "I'll stop this at the end of the day today"

Size requirements on un-sized projects? "When this thing is big enough to cover half the refrigerator it should be perfect?"

Lunar Cycles? "I'll knit until the full moon hits and I turn into a werewolf again. Can't knit lace with claws."

Or the ever popular: "I'll knit this till the yarn I ordered on the internet shows up. That yarn is on a slow boat from China so I can go a few more repeats."

These are the things I think about.

1 comment:

miukat said...

So funny! I like the lunar cycle method. Usually, I just keep trying something on until it looks right, or until I think to myself: I ain't knittin' this no more!