Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Handspun Garter Stitch Shawls are Like the Crack Rock.

Garter stitch shawls are like the new knitters crack rock. They are the kryptonite to my Superman, and the poprocks in my coca cola. and I admit that I am fully addicted and powerless to stop. They are my new(est) secret weakness.

Yes, I started another one. I promised myself that I wouldn't start any new projects until after I got back from Peru, but I just couldn't wait. It was the ball winding that was my downfall. I decided to use the gap of non-knitting time to wind up balls of hand spun from skeins so they would be ready to go when I got back and dagnabit! My fingers got itchy, I started to sweat...and like 5 minutes later I was a fallen knitter. I cast on that puppy and there was no looking back.

But its sooooo pretty! Rustic and happy. And warm. Did I mention that I'm sure it will be warm?

I said to myself : "Self, ( you have to call yourself something when its gets all "third person" up in your head, and sometimes I don't think I know myself well enough to be on a first name basis) You gots to have some sort of project going so you have something to keep you busy at break time at work. And good heavens! What would happen if you didn't have bus knitting?It would get really ugly really fast."

Oh, and the yarn is fantastic. It's that CJ Kopek Creations"Scotch" 70/30 alpaca merino blend that Sistagenius got me for Christmas and I blogged about a million years ago (or back in January). Pics to come later, as usual.

love and kisses,

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