Thursday, April 23, 2009

Guard Duty

This is Viktor. Viktor is the skeleton who guards ugly knitting in my house. I took a nap this afternoon, and when I woke up he was propped in the corner holding some sort of vigil for it. Kept mumbling something about "you'll frog that bastard over my dead body.."
Unfortunately, he was good enough at guard duty that he didn't allow me to get close enough to pin it out so you can see it in all its fug glory- the colors are also taking some sort of dive to the 1970's, so they aren't quite true to life. But you get the gist. I realize that its the yellow that bugs me the most. I'm still thinking blue over dye. Once Viktor lets me have it back :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Viktor with a K is really cool. Perhaps you need to weave him into it somehow and forget the blue.... ?